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British Journal of Educational Psychology (BJEP)

Référence :  Vol. 94, n°1, mars 2024

  • Inaugural editorial: Updates and future directions, David W. Putwain
  • Math attitudes and math anxiety predict students' perception of teacher support in primary school, but not vice versa, Ruifan Luo, Aoxue Zhang, Yangyang Wang, Hongxia Li, Yanli Xu, Kaiyue Guo, Jiwei Si
  • Drivers of the socio-economic disadvantage gap in England: Sequential pathways that include the home learning environment and self-regulation as mediators, Allen Joseph, Kathy Sylva, Pam Sammons, Iram Siraj
  • Verbalized arithmetic principles correlate with mathematics achievement, Jiaxin Cui, Li Wang, Dawei Li, Xinlin Zhou
  • The longitudinal contribution of mapping to arithmetic: Do numeral knowledge, inhibition or analogical reasoning matter?, Kaichun Liu, Haoping Qu, Yawei Yang, Xiujie Yang
  • Learning strategies and reading achievement in primary schools: Longitudinal relationship and gender differences, Kexin Qin, Ji Zhou, Yehui Wang
  • Revisiting the academic self-concept transcultural measurement model: The case of Spain and China, Igor Esnaola, Albert Sesé, Lorea Azpiazu, Yina Wang
  • The effectiveness of self: A meta-analysis of using self-referential encoding techniques in education, Zheng Liu, Jiahui Wen, Yikang Liu, Chuan-Peng Hu
  • Not realizing that you don't know: Fraction state anxiety is reduced by natural number bias, Hilma Halme, Jo Van Hoof, Minna Hannula-Sormunen, Jake McMullen
  • Depression and approach-avoidance achievement goals of Chinese undergraduate students: A four-wave longitudinal study, Wenjuan Gao, Junlin Ji, Wenjie Zhang, Xinqiao Liu
  • What counts as STEM, and does it matter?, Rebecca M. Adler, Mingkai Xu, Bethany Rittle-Johnson
  • More homework improve mathematics achievement? Differential effects of homework time on different facets of students' mathematics achievement: A longitudinal study in China, Yuhuan Zhang, Tian Li, Jianzhong Xu, Shuang Chen, Liping Lu, Lidong Wang
  • Teachers' proactive behaviour: Interactions with job characteristics and professional competence in a longitudinal study, Verena Jörg, Ulrike Hartmann, Anja Philipp, Mareike Kunter
  • Using the theory of planned behaviour to predict pre-service teachers' preferences for scientific sources, Bernadette Gold, Eva Thomm, Johannes Bauer
  • Changes in control and value appraisals predict changes in learning enjoyment: A four-wave analysis among lower secondary school students, Anna Hawrot


  • The impact of relative age effects on psychosocial development: A systematic review, Sarah E. Rose, Claire M. Barlow
  • An experimental comparison of additional training in phoneme awareness, letter-sound knowledge and decoding for struggling beginner readers, Charlotte Webber, Hetal Patel, Anna Cunningham, Amy Fox, Janet Vousden, Anne Castles, Laura Shapiro

Informations complémentaires :

mot(s) clé(s) :  recherche en éducation

catégorie(s) :  théorie de l'éducation