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Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs (JORSEN)

Référence :  Vol. 23, n°2, avril 2023

  • Teacher perspectives on partnerships on families of children with autism, Sarah Westerfield Brooks, Rachel Schwartz, Miguel Ampuero, Anastasia Kokina
  • Parent perspectives on student IEP involvement, Kelli A. Sanderson, Amanda J. Rojas
  • Impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on gifted and non-gifted primary school students' well-being and motivation from a self-determination perspective, H. Elise Samsen-Bronsveld, Sanne H.G. Van der Ven, Paula P.A.M. Speetjens, Anouke W.E.A. Bakx
  • The Namibian inclusive education policy's response to gender nonconforming learners, Rauna Keshemunhu Haitembu, Rouaan Maarman
  • Do labels matter? Analysis of teachers' self-efficacy towards the autism spectrum disorder depending on the diagnostic label used (ASD or Asperger's), Irene Gómez-Marí, Gemma Pastor-Cerezuela, Irene Lacruz-Pérez, Raúl Tárraga-Mínguez
  • Supporting emotion regulation in individuals with ASD, ADHD and bipolar disorder through trauma-informed instruction and self-regulation strategies, Lauren A. Delisio, Diane Casale-Giannola, Caitlyn A. Bukaty
  • The effects of classroom physical activity breaks on the behavioural and emotional self-regulation of students with behavioural difficulties, Nolwenn Chesnais, Geneviève Cabagno, Claudia Verret

Informations complémentaires :

mot(s) clé(s) :  besoins éducatifs particuliers, recherche en éducation