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British Journal of Educational Studies (BJES)
Référence : Vol.65, n°4, décembre 2017
- Pedagogical Bricoleurs and Bricolage Researchers: The case of Religious Education, Rob Freathy, Jonathan Doney, Giles Freathy, Karen Walshe & Geoff Teece
- Who’s Afraid of Secularisation? Reframing the Debate Between Gearon and Jackson, David Lewin
- ‘Who’s Afraid of Secularisation?’ A Response to David Lewin, Robert Jackson
- Secularisation and the Securitisation of the Sacred a Response to Lewin’s Framing of the Gearon–Jackson Debate, Liam Gearon
- A Critique of the Stem Pipeline: Young People’s Identities in Sweden and Science Education Policy, Heather Mendick, Maria Berge & Anna Danielsson
- Wilful Ignorance and the Emotional Regime of Schools, Michalinos Zembylas
Informations complémentaires :
catégorie(s) : théorie de l'éducation