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British Journal of Sociology of Education (BJSE)
Référence : Vol. 44, n°5, juin 2023
- Structuring middle-class aspirations: the role of place-based habitus and higher education, Amy E. Stich & Andrew M. Crain
- Siblings’ educational mobility and the educational stratification of families, Stian A. Uvaag
- Get lucky? Luck and educational mobility in working-class young people’s lives from age 10–21, Louise Archer, Becky Francis, Morag Henderson, Henriette Holmegaard, Emily Macleod, Julie Moote & Emma Watson
- Joy, pride, and shame: on working in the affective economy of edu-business, Malin Ideland & Margareta Serder
- Roma students’ academic self-assessment and educational aspirations in Hungarian primary schools, Dorottya Kisfalusi
- “Miss, can you speak English?”: raciolinguistic ideologies and language oppression in initial teacher education, Ian Cushing
- Empowerment not racialised segregation, Alireza Behtoui
- Challenges of working in undervalued technical schools. A continuum between discourses of deficit and trust, Marta Cristina Azaola
- From doxic breach to cleft habitus: affect, reflexivity and dispositional disjunctures, Biörn Ivemark & Anna Ambrose
Informations complémentaires :
mot(s) clé(s) : recherche en éducation, sociologie de l'éducation
catégorie(s) : théorie de l'éducation