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European Journal of Education : Research, Development and Policy

Référence :  Vol. 58, n°1, mars 2023

Thème :  Trust in standardized assessments

  • Trust in standardised assessments, Melanie Ehren


  • A conceptual framework for trust in standardised assessments: Commercial, quasi-market and national systems, Melanie Ehren
  • Building public trust in national assessment: The example of China's NAEQ, William Smith, Xiao Xu
  • Responding to external accountability in high-performing, high-capacity public secondary schools in Chile, Carmen Montecinos, Mónica Cortez, Isabel Zett, Sofía Chávez
  • What's trust got to do with it? The ‘washback effect’ of engagement in the 2020 calculated grades process on teachers' trust and future senior cycle reform in Ireland, Zita Lysaght
  • Teachers' beliefs about standardised testing and test-based accountability: Comparing the perceptions and experiences of teachers in Chile and Norway, Marjolein K. Camphuijsen, Lluís Parcerisa
  • National qualifications in Scotland: A lightning rod for public concern about equity during the pandemic, Louise Hayward, Jo-Anne Baird, Simon Allan, Thomas Godfrey-Faussett, Carolyn Hutchinson, Ellen MacIntosh, Ashmita Randhawa, Ernest Spencer, Margaret Lesley Wiseman-Orr
  • The future of standardised assessment: Validity and trust in algorithms for assessment and scoring, Cesare Aloisi


  • Teacher intention to transfer ICT training when integrating digital technologies in education: The teacher transfer of ICT training model (TeTra-ICT), Maria A. Perifanou, Katerina Tzafilkou, Anastasios A. Economides
  • Impact of grade retention and school engagement on student intentions to enrol in higher education in Portugal, Natalie Nóbrega Santos, Vera Monteiro, Carolina Carvalho
  • Languages of origin and education in Europe: A systematic review, Astrid Codana Alcántara, Angelina Sánchez-Martí, Jordi Pàmies Rovira
  • The effect of peer group stability on achievements: Evidence from Poland, Mikołaj Herbst, Aneta Sobotka, Piotr Wójcik

Informations complémentaires :

mot(s) clé(s) :  recherche en éducation