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British Journal of Educational Studies (BJES)

Référence :  Vol. 70, 2022

  • Defending aesthetic education, Laura D’Olimpio
  • Stepping out of the system? A grounded theory on how parents consider becoming home or alternative educators, Carrie Adamson
  • Policy transfer and isomorphism: a case study of the england-china maths teacher exchange, Simon Probert
  • Chinese university student volunteering for schools in distant locations, Shuqin Xu
  • Knowing the (datafied) student: the production of the student subject through school data, Neil Selwyn, Luci Pangrazio & Bronwyn Cumbo
  • From human capital to marginalized other: a systematic review of diaspora and internationalization in higher education, Annette Bamberger


  • Critical issues in democratic schooling: curriculum, teaching, and socio-political realities By Kenneth Teitelbaum. Pp 310. London: Routledge. 2020, Peter M. Nelson
  • Decolonizing University Teaching and Learning:An Entry Model for Grappling with Complexities By D. Tran. Pp 232. Bloomsbury Academic. 2021, Tayte Thompson-James
  • International Schooling: Privilege and Power in Globalised Societies by Lucy Bailey. Pp 192. London: Bloomsbury. 2022, Clive Harber
  • A cultural history of school uniform By Kate Stephenson. Pp 220. Exeter: Exeter University Press. 2021, Ines Dussel

Informations complémentaires :

mot(s) clé(s) :  recherche en éducation

catégorie(s) :  théorie de l'éducation