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British Journal of Sociology of Education (BJSE)

Référence :  Vol. 44, n°3, avril 2023

  • Reshaped teachers’ careers? New patterns and the fragmentation of the teaching profession in England, Cécile Mathou, Marc Sarazin & Xavier Dumay
  • Undermining teachers’ social capital: a question of trust, professionalism, and empowerment, Nicky Dulfer, Amy McKernan & Jeana Kriewaldt
  • ‘So incredibly equal’: how polite exclusion becomes invisible in the classroom, Layal Wiltgren
  • Social class, COVID-19 and care: Schools on the front line in Ireland during the COVID-19 pandemic, Mags Crean, Dympna Devine, Barbara Moore, Gabriela Martínez Sainz, Jennifer Symonds, Seaneen Sloan & Emma Farrell
  • ‘If you can’t beat them, join them’: utility, markets and the absent entrepreneur, Nicole Mockler, Greg Thompson & Anna Hogan
  • Outsider status, and racialised habitus: the experiences of Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller students in higher education, Julia Morgan, Chelsea McDonagh & Thomas Acton
  • ‘I was worried I’d sound stupid’: institutional interactions and the impact on marginalised students’ university experiences, Zi Yang
  • Rethinking causality and inequality in students’ degree outcomes, Duna Sabri
  • What higher education ministers talk about when they talk about innovation, Michael Flavin
  • Regional accessibility of higher education in Russia, Ilya Prakhov & Polina Bugakova

Informations complémentaires :

mot(s) clé(s) :  recherche en éducation, sociologie de l'éducation

catégorie(s) :  théorie de l'éducation