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Paedagogica Historica
Référence : Vol. 53, n°3, juin 2017
Thème : Cultural learning
- Adventures in cultural learning, Frederik Herman & Siân Roberts
- Articles Learning how to see and feel: Alfred Lichtwark and his concept of artistic and aesthetic education, Karin Priem & Christine Mayer
- Genealogy of self-expression: a reappraisal of the history of art education in England and Japan, Kayoko Komats
- Inhabiting culture: Spanish anarchists’ vision of cultural learning through aesthetics in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Eulàlia Collelldemont & Conrad Vilanou
- Learning through culture: seeking “critical case studies of possibilities” in the history of education, Ian Grosvenor & Gyöngyvér Pataki
- Envisioning the industrial present: pathways of cultural learning in Luxembourg (1880s–1920s), Frederik Herman & Ira Plein
“Springing from a sense of wonder”: classroom film and cultural learning in the 1930s, Angelo Van Gorp - Education, art, and exile: cultural activists and exhibitions of refugee children’s art in the UK during the Second World War, Siân Robert
- The school theatre as a place of cultural learning: the case of Soviet Latvia (1960s–1980s), Iveta Kestere
- Afterword Afterword: inexhaustible cultural learning, Frank Simon
Informations complémentaires :
catégorie(s) : systèmes éducatifs