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Journal of Curriculum Studies

Référence :  Vol. 54, n°5, 2022

  • Powerful knowledge, educational potential and knowledge-rich curriculum: pushing the boundaries, Zongyi Deng
  • Empowering minority students: a study of cultural references in the teaching content, Turid Skarre Aasebø & Ilmi Willbergh
  • Dewey’s education through occupations as being-doing-knowing: an introduction to teacher planning with creative learning units, John Quay, Loren Miller, David Browning & Adam Brodie-Mckenzie
  • Children’s agentic capacity, schoolification and risk: competing discourses and young children’s experiences in pre-school settings, Karen Patton & Karen Winter
  • Elementary teachers’ agency: the role of perceived professional space and autonomy, Phi Nguyen, Corey Webel, Sheunghyun Yeo & Wenmin Zhao
  • Celebrating culture and neglecting language: representation of ethnic minorities in Chinese primary school textbooks (1976–2021), Qian Liu, Fatma Zehra Colak & Orhan Agirdag
  • The politics of pupil self-evaluation: A case of Finnish assessment policy discourse, Hannele Pitkänen

Informations complémentaires :

mot(s) clé(s) :  curriculum et programmes d'enseignement, recherche en éducation