Veille et analyses de l'ifé

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Pays : Belgique  Langue(s) : anglais, néerlandais 

Education and Lifelong Learning

L'institut supérieur d'études sur le travail de l'université de Louvain (Leuven) comporte une équipe qui se consacre à l'éducation et la formation tout au long de la vie, animée par Ides Nicaise.

Since its inception, HIVA has regarded the subject of education and social inequality as one of the spearheads of its research agenda. This involves, on the one hand, analysing the position of the weakest groups within our education system and, on the other hand, policy-oriented and evaluation research in the wake of innovations in order to achieve a more democratic and effective form of education for these groups. In addition to primary and special education, attention is also devoted to (full-time and part-time) vocational training, the transition from education to the labour market, the move into higher education, participation in and the output of lifelong and life-wide learning.


mot(s) clé(s) :  alternance et apprentissage, économie de l'éducation, inégalités, relation formation - emploi

catégorie(s) :  environnement économique, systèmes éducatifs