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Pays : Espagne  Langue(s) : anglais 

INTED 2016 - 10th International Technology, Education and Development Conference - 10 years together for education

Date :  du 07-03-2016 au 09-03-2016

Lieu :  Valencia

Organisation :  International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS)

Programme : 

INTED is one of the largest international education conferences for lecturers, researchers, technologists and professionals from the educational sector. After 10 years, it has become a reference event where more than 700 experts from 80 countries will get together to present their projects and share their knowledge on teaching and learning methodologies, educational innovations and experiences in technology and development.

      Keynote speakers:

      - Alan November. November Learning (USA)
      Transformational Six

      - Safeena Husain. Educate Girls (India)
      Role of a non-state player in improving public education


      - General Issues
      Education and Globalization
      Organizational, legal and financial issues
      Diversity issues and women and minorities in science and technology
      Barriers to Learning (e.g.: age, psychosocial factors, ethnicity…)
      Digital divide and acces to internet
      Impact of Education on Development
      Impact of Crisis on Education
      Ethical issues in Education
      Education in a multicultural society

      - Experiences in Education
      Enhancing learning and the undergraduate experience
      New projects and innovations
      Transferring disciplines
      Competence Evaluation
      Learning Experiences in Primary and Secondary School
      Pre-service teacher experiences
      Student Support in Education
      Lifelong Learning
      Vocational Training
      Science popularization and public outreach activities
      Inclusive Learning

      - New Trends in the Higher Education Area
      New challenges for the Higher Education Area
      ECTS experiences
      Erasmus experiences in the universities
      Student and staff mobility programmes
      The Bologna Declaration process
      Experiences in Joint degrees programmes

      - International Projects
      New experiences for the international cooperation
      Joint Education projects
      Joint Research projects
      Project outcomes and conclusions

      - Pedagogical & Didactical Innovations
      Learning and Teaching Methodologies
      Language Learning Innovations
      Tutoring and Coaching
      Transferable skills
      Evaluation and Assessment of Student Learning
      Collaborative and Problem-based Learning
      Flipped Learning
      Experiences in STEM Education
      Next Generation Classroom

      - Research in Education
      Educational Research Experiences
      Research on Technology in Education
      Links between Education and Research
      Research Methodologies
      Engineering Research Centres

      - Virtual Universities
      The internationalization of Universities
      Experiences in Virtual Universities
      Distance education
      Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC)

      - Technological Issues in Education
      Mobile learning: Phones, Tablets…
      Apps for education
      Blended Learning
      Web classroom applications
      Online/Virtual Laboratories
      Classroom and Laboratory: Integration
      Managed Learning Environments (MLEs)
      Learning Management Systems (LMS)
      Technology-Enhanced Learning
      Industry and Business Innovation
      Identity Management
      Augmented Reality
      Cloud Computing
      ICT skills and competencies among teachers
      ICT enhanced language teaching and learning

      - Computer Supported Collaborative Work
      Collaborative Virtual Environments (CVEs)
      Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs)
      Web 2.0 and Social Networking: Twitter, Blogs, Wikis...
      Social Media in Education
      Experiences in Web Technologies in Education
      Training the e-trainer

      - Educational Software and Serious Games
      Educational Software experiences
      Experiences in Educational/Serious Games
      3D Applications and Virtual Reality
      Videos for Learning

      - Curriculum Design and Innovation
      New Experiences for Curriculum Design
      Strategies, Principles and Challenges
      Forecasting of labour market and skill needs in Europe
      Generic skills and their development
      One to One/Laptop Curriculum
      Personal Learning Environments

      - Quality assurance in Education
      Academic experiences and best practice contributions
      Accreditation /Assessment processes
      Quality standards at national and international level
      Learning analytics
      Virtual learning assessment
      Online Courses Accreditation

      - University-Industry Collaboration
      Work Employability
      Continuous Education
      Workplace Learning
      University/Industry Experiences
      Entrepreneurship Education

      - E-content Management and Development
      Knowledge Management experiences
      Intellectual Property Rights and Plagiarism
      User-Generated Content
      Digital Libraries and Repositories
      Open source and open content projects
      IT Services Management and Development
      Service Science

      URL :

      • résumés :


      Les résumés des contributions sont librement consultables dans la bibliothèque numérique de l'IATED.

      mot(s) clé(s) :  enseignement supérieur, recherche en éducation, technologie éducative