Eurodoc Conference 2023 - A Sustainable Academia
Date : du 07-06-2023 au 08-06-2023
Lieu : Uppsala et en ligne
Modalité : en présentiel et/ou distanciel
Organisation : European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers
The Eurodoc conference is an annual conference focusing on the conditions of early career researchers, particularly doctoral candidates. It is always organised in collaboration with our member organisations and further local organisations. The conference will be held in hybrid form on June 7-8, 2023 with the physical events taking place in Uppsala, Sweden.
Programme :
The Eurodoc Conference 2023 – A Sustainable Academia revolves around the question of how to create a sustainable academia for the young professionals working in it. It is organised by Eurodoc, Sveriges förenade studentkårer (SFS), Sveriges förenade studentkårers doktorandkommité (SFS-DK), the Swedish National Postodoc Association (SNPA), and Fackförbundet ST a Swedish labour union. SFS and SNPA are both member organisations of Eurodoc.
The conference will consist of a mix of panel sessions and keynote speakers. In conjunction with the event, Eurodoc will organise a special session on the state of Ukrainian academia.
Speakers of Eurodoc Conference 2023
The following speakers have been confirmed:
A timely and relevant doctoral education.
- Alexander Hasgall (Head of the European University Association’s -Council of Doctoral Education (EUA-CDE))
- Maja Elmgren (Uppsala University, Sweden)
- Nicola Dengo (Eurodoc / Università degli Studi dell'Insubria, Italy)
Equal opportunities in the academic career
- Moniek Tromp (Chair, Young Academy of Europe / University of Groningen, Netherlands)
- Sara Pilia (Eurodoc)
The assessment of the academic career – a key to Open Science.
- Karen Stroobants (Vice-chair, CoARA)
- Jan-Ingvar Jönsson, (Vice-chancelor, Linköpings universitet, Sweden)
- Sebastian Dahle (Eurodoc / University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
A sustainable academic psychosocial work environment
- Brian Cahill (ReMO / MCAA / TIB at Leibniz University Hannover, Germany)
- Sandra Hellstrand (Fackförbundet ST / Uppsala Universitet, Sweden)
- Mathias Schroijen (Eurodoc / KU Leuven, Belgium)
Academic freedom – a prerequisite for a sustainable future.
- Peter Aronsson, (Vice-chancelor, Linnéuniversitetet, Sweden)
- Karolina Catoni (Scholars at Risk, Gothenburg University, Sweden)
- Kjell Nilsson (Fackförbundet ST / Lund University, Sweden)
Dealing with precarity: Employment conditions of post-docs
- Sandra Hellstrand (Fackförbundet ST / Uppsala Universitet, Sweden)
- Laura Palma Medina (SNPA / Karolinska Institutet, Sweden)
Eurodoc Session on the Sustainability of Ukrainian Academia in (Post)War Times
- Oleksandr Berezko (Eurodoc / Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine)
- Anna Pavelieva (RMU / National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic", Ukraine)
- Nataliia Petryk (Karolinska Institutet, Sweden)
Le programme détaillé est en ligne.
mot(s) clé(s) : métiers de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche, normes et valeurs éducatives