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Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft

Référence :  Vol. 26, n° 3, juin 2023

Thème :  Transfer of digitalized teaching-learning and assessment tools in higher education



  • The transfer of digitalized teaching-learning and assessment tools in higher education: approaches and best practices, Johannes König, Anke Lindmeier, Olga Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia et Andreas Borowski


  • Reflections on transfer of competence assessment to teaching and learning in higher education, Richard Shavelson
  • How authenticity impacts validity: Developing a model of teacher education assessment and exploring the effects of the digitisation of assessment methods, Christoph Kulgemeyer, Josef Riese, Christoph Volgelsang, David Buschhüter, Andreas Borowski, Anna Weissbach, Melanie Jordans, Peter Reinhold et Horst Schecker
  • Mathematics teachers’ professional noticing: Transfer of a video-based competence assessment instrument into teacher education for evaluation purposes, Jonas Weyers, Johannes König, Benjamin Rott, Gilbert Greefrath, Kathrin Vorhölter et Gabriele Kaiser
  • Opportunities to learn, technological pedagogical knowledge, and personal factors of pre-service teachers: understanding the link between teacher education program characteristics and student teacher learning outcomes in times of digitalization, Kristina Gerhard, Daniela J. Jäger-Biela et Johannes König
  • Fast-and-frugal means to assess reflection-related reasoning processes in teacher training—Development and evaluation of a scalable machine learning-based metric, Lukas Mientus, Peter Wulff, Anna Nowak et Andreas Borowski
  • Promoting students’ argument comprehension and evaluation skills: Implementation of two training interventions in higher education, Hannes Münchow, Simon P. Tiffin-Richards, Lorena Fleischmnn, Stephanie Pieschi et Tobias Richter
  • Fostering multiple document comprehension: motivational factors and its relationship with the use of self-study materials, Theresa Zink, Carolin Hahnel, Ulf Kroehne, Tobias Deribo, Nina Mahlow, Cordula Artelt, Frank Goldhammer, Johannes Naumann et Cornelia Schoor
  • Performance assessment in teacher education research—A scoping review of characteristics of assessment instruments in the DACH region, Carina Albu et Anke Lindmeier

Allgemeiner Teil

  • Rahmenbedingungen und Herausforderungen kultureller Bildung in ländlichen Räumen – ein systematischer Literaturüberblick, Martin Büdel et Nina Kolleck
  • Warum wollen Eltern (nicht) an Elternbildung teilnehmen? Analysen der Rolle von Bildungsniveau und Migrationshintergrund für die elterliche Motivation zur Teilnahme an Elternbildung, Franzisca P. Fischer et Julia Gorges

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