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Revista Española de Educación Comparada (REEC)

Référence :  N° 35, janvier-juin 2020

Thème :  Education and Refugees


MONOGRAPHIC: Education and Refugees

  • Editorial: Education and Refugees, Agustín Velloso de Santisteban
  • Forced migration and violence process: Centroamerican migrants in their way through México, Guillermo Castillo
  • Decolonial view for the category of “economic refugees”, Julia Castro John, Renato Duro Dias
  • Special Education Centers in the Sahara and in Spain. A comparative perspective, Óscar Navarro Martínez, Celia Flores Cuenca, Ángel Luis González Olivares
  • The right to education of refugee and asylum seekers minors since the aproach based in human rights: difficulties, purpose and educational intervention, Adrián Neubauer Esteban
  • Educational strategies to generate security for displaced people in Spain, María del Pilar Quicios García, Ana Mª Huesca González, Patricia González Ocejo
  • 70 Years of ‘Catastrophe’: Can Israel thwart ‘Right of Return’ for Palestinian Refugees?, Romana Rubeo, Ramzy Baroud
  • Compensatory education as a measure for the refugee and migrant population: evolution of outcomes, María Julia Rubio Roldán
  • Acculturative stress impact and symptomatology on migrant’s adolescents at Arica and Antofagasta, Chile, Iciar Villacieros
  • Education in the Saharawi camps: an educational system in the shelter and in the desert, José Antonio Vinagrero Ávila


  • Access to the Teaching Profession in France: A Story of National ‘Résistance’ Against Some Supranational Tendencies, Tania Alonso-Sainz, Bianca Thoilliez
  • Access to initial teacher training in Europe: policies and research, Inmaculada Egido Gálvez


  • Equality, quality and confidence among the challenges of the French Educational Reform: the Loi n° 2019-791 du 26 juillet 2019 pour une école de la confiance, Encarnación Sánchez Lissen, Alicia Sianes Bautista

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