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International Journal of Science Education (IJSE)

Référence :  Vol. 43, n°17, novembre 2021

  • Connecting explanations to representations: benefits of highlighting techniques in tutorial videos on students’ learning in organic chemistry, Marc Rodemer, Julia Eckhard, Nicole Graulich & Sascha Bernholt
  • Mentoring teachers in the context of student-question-based inquiry: the challenges of the Savanturiers programme, Matthieu Cisel & Charlotte Barbier
  • Developing museum-school partnerships: art-based exploration of science issues in a third space, Harald Raaijmakers, Birgitta Mc Ewen, Susanne Walan & Nina Christenson
  • Science self-efficacy in the relationship between gender & science identity, Jeffrey A. Miles & Stefanie E. Naumann
  • Exploring coherence and authorship in pedagogical link-making in science, Sami Lehesvuori & Jaume Ametller
  • Intertextuality in science textbooks: implications for diverse students’ learning, Sara Salloum
  • Impact of inquiry-based learning in a molecular biology class on the dimensions of students’ situational interest, Kerstin Röllke, Daniela Sellmann-Risse, Annkathrin Wenzel & Norbert Grotjohann
  • Gender and STEM background as predictors of college students’ competencies in forming research questions and designing experiments in inquiry activities, Li-Ting Cheng, Thomas J. Smith, Zuway-R. Hong & Huann-shyang Lin

Informations complémentaires :

mot(s) clé(s) :  sciences, technologie éducative