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Encyclopaideia (EnCP)

Référence :  Vol. 25, n°60

Thème :  (R)esistere pedagogico. A 90 anni dalla nascita di Bertolini

  • (R)esistere pedagogico. A 90 anni dalla nascita di Bertolini, Massimiliano Tarozzi
  • Counteracting social vulnerability and marginality through education, Marcella Milana
  • Educational practices promoting civic engagement: a systematic integrative review, Luigina Mortari, Fedra Alessandra Pizzato, Luca Ghirotto, Roberta Silva
  • The role of school-community collaboration in enhancing students’ civic engagement, Francesca Rapanà, Marcella Milana, Rita Marzoli
  • Adolescents’ fragility and antisocial behavior: conceptual categories and educational practices, Fabrizio Chello, Rossana D'Elia, Daniela Manno, Pascal Perillo
  • MOOC and NEET? Innovative paths towards the social and economic inclusion of vulnerable young people, Francesco Agrusti, Raffaella Leproni, Fabio Olivieri, Lisa Stillo, Elena Zizioli
  • The adaptation of foreign minors between risk and protective factors, Marinella Muscarà, Giulio D'Urso, Alessia Passanisi, Ugo Pace
  • When anxiety matters as a condition of possibility: about student-teachers’ anxiety experiences towards becoming a teacher, Mette Helleve, Knut Ove Æsøy
  • Addressing the invisibility of children aged 0-3 for social services via participatory assessment: notes from a pilot study, Daniela Moreno Boudon, Sara Serbati, Paola Milani
  • The inhabiting body. A pedagogical proposal to give value to the cultural heritage through the performing arts, Giulia Schiavone
  • Education for democratic citizenship: the school which build bridges of humanity, Raffaele Beretta Piccoli
  • D. Bruzzone, E. Musi (a cura di), Aver cura dell’esistenza. Studi in onore di Vanna Iori, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2020, pagine 372, Mariangela Giusti (recensione)


Informations complémentaires :

mot(s) clé(s) :  éducation à la citoyenneté, santé et bien-être