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Revista Española de Educación Comparada (REEC)

Référence :  N° 33, janvier-juin 2019

Thème :  Comparative Religions


MONOGRAPHIC SECTION: Comparative Religions

  • Editorial: Religions in Comparative Education: the past and the present, Terri Kim
  • Religion, schooling and the state: negotiating and constructing the secular space, Leslie Bash
  • Re-thinking comparative education and religion: temptations, traditions, and politics, Robert Cowen
  • Comparative Education, Theology and Post-relativism, Mª José García Ruiz
  • Challenges in higher education and the role of Muslim cultures and civilisations in developing a new paradigm in education, Marodsilton Muborakshoeva
  • Developing critical realist comparative methods for researching religions, belief-systems, and education, Chris Williams
  • The Reformation as a Religious, Political, and Educational Project, Thyge Winther-Jensen

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