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International Journal of Science Education (IJSE)

Référence :  Vol. 39, n°2, janvier 2017

  • Exploring teachers’ meta-strategic knowledge of science argumentation teaching with the repertory grid technique, Yu-Ren Lin, Cheng-Yu Hung & Jeng-Fung Hung
  • The roles of teachers’ science talk in revealing language demands within diverse elementary school classrooms: a study of teaching heat and temperature in Singapore, Lay Hoon Seah & Larry D. Yore
  • The relation between students’ communicative moves during laboratory work in physics and outcomes of their actions, J. Andersson & M. Enghag
  • From the teacher’s eyes: facilitating teachers noticings on informal formative assessments (IFAs) and exploring the challenges to effective implementation, Asli Sezen-Barrie & Gregory J. Kelly
  • Using doubly latent multilevel analysis to elucidate relationships between science teachers’ professional knowledge and students’ performance, Daniela Mahler, Jörg Großschedl & Ute Harms
  • Primary teachers conducting inquiry projects: effects on attitudes towards teaching science and conducting inquiry, Sandra I. van Aalderen-Smeets, Juliette H. Walma van der Molen, Erna G. W. C. M. van Hest & Cindy Poortman

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