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Cultura y Educación. Revista de teoría, investigación y práctica

Référence :  Vol. 25, n° 2, juin 2013

Thème :  El desarrollo desde el enfoque histórico-cultural: investigaciones educativas en España y México

  • Development from a historical-cultural conception: Presentation of educational research in Spain and Mexico, Yulia Solovieva
  • The role of education in development. From school to culture, Amelia Álvarez y Pablo del Río
  • Inner language: Considerations from the recordings of children's ludic soliloquies, Eduardo-Alejandro Escotto-Córdova
  • Assessment of symbolic development in Mexican preschool children, Yulia Solovieva y Luis Quintanar
  • Development of new psychological formations through games and stories in preschool children, Marco-Antonio García, Yulia Solovieva y Luis Quintanar
  • Assessment of previous mathematical abilities in urban and rural preschool children, Yulia Solovieva, Emelia Lázaro y Luis Quintanar
  • Resistance to expert knowledge: Single-parent adoptive families and tactics for legitimizing solidarity as motivation to adopt, María-Isabel Jociles
  • Communication about placement and family functioning in kinship foster families, Jesús M. Jiménez, Rocío Martínez, Alicia Muñoz y Esperanza León
  • Exploring change in teachers' beliefs about immigrant families after participating in the educational project entitled “funds of knowledge“, Moisès Esteban-Guitart y Ignasi Vila

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