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Revue canadienne de l'éducation (RCÉ)

Référence :  Vol. 36, n° 1, 2013

Thème :  Éducation inclusive

  • Interprofessional Research on the Inclusion of Young Children with Developmental Disabilities as they Transition from Preschool to Elementary School, Michelle Villeneuve, Celine Chatenoud, Patricia Minnes, Adrienne Perry, Nancy L. Hutchinson, Elaine B. Frankel, Alvin Loh, Carmen Dionne, Jonathan Weiss, Joan Versnel, Barry Issacs
  • E-inclusion in Early French Immersion Classrooms: Using Technologies to Support Inclusive Practices That Meet the Needs of All Learners , Martine Pellerin
  • Enhancing Understanding of the Nature of Supportive School-based Relationships for Youth who have Experienced Trauma, Jennifer Dods
  • High School Students with Intellectual Disabilities in the School and Workplace: Multiple Perspectives on Inclusion, Sheila Bennett, Tiffany Gallagher
  • Lessons for Inclusion: Classroom experiences of students with mild and moderate hearing loss, CJ Dalton
  • The three block model of universal design for learning (UDL): engaging students in inclusive education, Jennifer Natana Katz
  • Teacher perspectives on inclusive education in rural Alberta, Canada, Donna McGhie-Richmond, Angela Irvine, Tim Loreman, Judy Lupart
  • Supporting Teachers to Work with Children with Exceptionalities, Isabel Killoran, Hayley Zaretsky, Anne Jordan, Deidre Smith, Carson Allard, James Moloney
  • “Reaching Every Student” with a Pyramid of Intervention Approach: One District’s Journey, Kathy Howery
  • Toward an interdisciplinary framework for educational inclusivity, Christopher DeLuca
  • Les enseignant-e-s de soutien en Italie: leur formation aux méthodes et philosophies inclusives, Ottavia Albanese, Michelle Pieri
  • Parler de diversité sexuelle et d’homophobie en classe à l’école secondaire et au collégial : enjeux pour les élèves gais, lesbiennes, bisexuels et en questionnement, Gabrielle Richard
  • Le cas de Benoît ou l’exploitation de l’étude de cas pour le développement d’un agir professionnel inclusif auprès des jeunes ayant des troubles d’apprentissage, Nadia Rousseau

  • Informations complémentaires :

    mot(s) clé(s) :  besoins éducatifs particuliers