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Revue canadienne de l'éducation (RCÉ)

Référence :  Vol. 34, n°2, 2011

Thème :  Varia

  • Teacher education admission criteria as measure of 
preparedness for teaching, Catherine Casey, Ruth Childs
  • Pre-service teachers’ knowledge and attitudes regarding school-based bullying , Katrina Craig, David Bell, Alan Leschied
  • La dimension sociale du rapport à la lecture littéraire d’étudiants en enseignement : un indice du développement de l’identité professionnelle , Judith Emery-Bruneau
  • Quel rôle de la métacognition dans les performances en écriture? Analyse de la situation d’étudiants en sciences humaines et sociales,Dyanne Escorcia, Fabien Fenouillet
  • L’impact de la dépression et de l’expérience scolaire sur le décrochage scolaire des adolescents, Marie-Ève Gagné, Diane Marcotte, Laurier Fortin
  • The Way of the Warrior: Indigenous youth navigating the challenges of schooling, Jan Hare, Michelle Pidgeon
  • High stakes standardized testing & marginalized youth: An examination of the impact on those who fail, Laura-Lee Kearns
  • The impact of a course in reflective teaching on student teachers at a local university college,Mark Anthony Minott
  • Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE)in Canada, Nancy Melnychuk, Daniel Robinson, Chunlei Lu, David Chorney, Lynn Randall
  • Exploring student experiences within the alternative high school context , Patrick John Morrissette
  • Culturally relevant pedagogy redux: Canadian teachers’ conceptions of their work and its challenges, Nisha Parhar, Ozlem Sensoy
  • Beyond intellectual insularity: Multicultural literacy as a measure of respect, Lisa Taylor, Michael Hoechsmann
  • Formative assessment and the contemporary classroom: Synergies and tensions between research and practice, Louis Volante, Danielle Beckett
  • Dual credit: Creating career and work possibilities for canadian youth, Bonnie Watt-Malcolm

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