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Science Education

Référence :  Vol. 102, n°3, avril 2018

  • Writing worth reading: Science methods textbooks and science education articles, Sherry A. Southerland and John Settlage
  • Instructional leadership in the era of the NGSS: Principals’ understandings of science practices, Katherine L. McNeill, Rebecca J. Lowenhaupt and Rebecca Katsh-Singer
  • Exploring practices of science coordinators participating in targeted professional development, Brooke A. Whitworth, Jennifer L. Maeng and Randy L. Bell
  • Global climate change in U.S. high school curricula: Portrayals of the causes, consequences, and potential responses, Casey R. Meehan, Brett L. M. Levy and Lauren Collet-Gildard
  • The impact of college- and university-run high school summer programs on students’ end of high school STEM career aspirations, Joseph A. Kitchen, Gerhard Sonnert and Philip M. Sadler
  • Data-based conjectures for supporting responsive teaching in engineering design with elementary teachers, Jessica Watkins, Mary McCormick, Kristen Bethke Wendell, Kathleen Spencer, Elissa Milto, Merredith Portsmore and David Hammer
  • Reflecting on the use and abuse of scientific data facilitates students’ ethical and epistemological development, Susan M. Howitt and Anna N. Wilson
  • Authentic science with citizen science and student-driven science fair projects, Michele Hollingsworth Koomen, Elizabeth Rodriguez, Alissa Hoffman, Cindy Petersen and Karen Oberhauser

Informations complémentaires :

catégorie(s) :  théorie de l'éducation