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     Langue(s) : anglais 

Study on youth work in the EU. Final report

Auteur(s) :  Shane Beadle & Cécile McGrath (dir.)

Date :  07/2021


This study constitutes the second European-wide comparison on youth work published by the European Commission. The first European Commission study on youth work, published in 2014, was an exploratory investigation of youth work at European level, seeking to identify commonalities and to map the state of youth work policies across the EU. This second report goes further and focuses on the needs of youth workers at the grassroots level to critically analyse whether existing public policies fulfil these needs. This is a timely report: the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the youth work sector. It has forced youth workers to rethink how they provide their services, and placed many in a precarious position, particularly at the local level and for youth workers who support the most vulnerable young people.

Un résumé analytique de 13 p. est disponible (anglais).

(pdf, 100 pages)

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mot(s) clé(s) :  enfance, adolescence, jeunesse, orientation professionnelle