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Pays : Royaume-Uni  Langue(s) : anglais 

National Research and Development Centre for Adult Literacy and Numeracy

Sigle :  NRDC

The center is dedicated to conducting research and development projects to improve literacy, numeracy, language and related skills and knowledge.

NRDC was established in 2002 by the DfES as part of Skills for Life, the national strategy for improving adult literacy and numeracy skills.

The research conducted is broken down into five areas of study (or programmes)

  • Economic Development, Impact of Basic Skills and Social Inclusion
  • Motivating Learners to Succeed - Increasing Participation, Retention and Achievement
  • Raising Quality - Effective Teaching and Learning

  • Professional Development and the Quality of the Skills for Life Workforce
  • The Context, Infrastructure and Impact of Skills for Life on Provision and Learners

The National Research and Development Centre for Adult Literacy and Numeracy is a consortium of partners, who are specialists in the fields of literacy, numeracy and ESOL.


mot(s) clé(s) :  besoins éducatifs particuliers, littératie, compétences et pratiques langagières, sciences, technologie éducative

catégorie(s) :  contenu de l'éducation