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Pays : Pérou  Langue(s) : anglais 

AIU 2014 - Conférence internationale de l'Association internationale des universités - Concilier l’enseignement supérieur et les savoirs traditionnels pour le développement durable

Date :  du 19-03-2014 au 21-03-2014

Lieu :  Iquitos

Organisation :  International Association of Universities (IAU)

Programme : 
Une fois par an, à l'exception de l'année où se tient la conférence générale, l’AIU organise une conférence internationale pour ses Membres et toute autre personne/organisme intéressé, pour débattre de problèmes d’intérêt général pour l’enseignement supérieur au niveau mondial.

La Conférence internationale 2014 de l'AIU portera sur le thème suivant : Concilier l’enseignement supérieur et les savoirs traditionnels pour le développement durable.

De plus amples informations seront disponibles prochainement.

      Le programme de la conférence (intitulée Blending Higher Education and Traditional Knowledge for Sustainable Development) est disponible en anglais.

      The following main topics will frame the discussion:

      1. For Whom, How and What Kind of a Future to develop?
      Roundtable discussion which will use the 4 interlinked SD pillars (education, research, economy and culture) examine possible ways towards a better future with thought-provoking speakers who will be invited to consider the main challenges and opportunities facing the world as it prepares for the future. It will in particular debate to what extent traditional knowledge can and should be integrated in higher education teaching and research in view of developing innovative answers to the challenges of the XXIst Century.
      This Roundtable will contextualize the need for Sustainable Development and lead into the discussion of the role of higher education and traditional knowledge in this process.

      2. The Role of Higher Education Institutions in Sustainable Development
      The objective of this plenary session is to introduce the various issues that will be covered in the subsequent breakout sessions. These include the following:
      - Revisiting higher education teaching, research and innovation for a sustainable future – Where does traditional knowledge fit in?
      - Leading by example: sustainable development in university life
      - Enriching higher education through community engagement

      3. The Post 2015 Framework for IAU: higher education institutions’ commitment to the Future
      In preparation for the UNESCO World Conference on ESD (Aichi Nagoya, Japan, November 2014) and to provide inputs for the debates taking place at UN level on the post 2015 Framework for Action (see Rio + 20 Conference outcomes and in particular the document entitled “The Future We Want”), IAU will be drafting a declaration which will be presented and discussed in this Plenary for input by conference participants. Future actions of HE towards SD, future actions by IAU and the expectations of the HE of the UN system will be discussed and clarified.

      Confirmed speakers:
      - Charles Hopkins, UNESCO Chair in Education for Sustainable Development, York University, Canada.
      - Jeffrey Sachs, Economist and Director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University, United-States of America.
      - Zakri Abdul Hamid, founding Chair at the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) and Science Advisor to Malaysia's Prime Minister, Malaysia.

      URL :

      Contributions : 

      • articles, diaporamas :

        Les liens vers les diaporamas et/ou textes des communications sont signalés dans le programme de la Conférence (pdf).

      mot(s) clé(s) :  enseignement supérieur